Sunday, April 10, 2011

Do You Youtube?

I will be discussing about Youtube in this post. I am sort of a Youtube fan and i absolutely enjoy the existence of this website. Also. i also believe that this site is very helpful in so many ways that is almost impossible to list them all.
Some background info about Youtube- YouTube is a video-sharing website on which users can upload, share, and view videos, created by three former PayPal employees in February 2005. Moreover, it was bought by Google in November 2006 for $1.6 billion and now it operates as a subsidary of Google.

Youtube has tide me over the most boring days with countless videos of ranging subjects. I think it is definitely a very good website for people who learn things visually. Let's say you didn't paid attention at all during Stats class today and you have a test 2 days from now. As you are afraid and shy to ask teacher to repeat what she has taught, you decide to go on Youtube to search for videos that teaches you Stats. BAM! Problem solved. Moreover, I also think that Youtube has a very good potential to be a educational channel where many users create their own educational videos with many of their own inputs that make the whole package even more engaging and popular.

As i said before, Youtube has too many uses for me to list down everything. You basically can get your daily fix of jokes, how-to, gaming, entertainment, sports, news clips, advertisements, travel, many many more. I personally subscribed to a few channels for my daily fix of entertainement. What i meant by subscribing is that upon subcribsion to a certain user, I will be alerted of the new videos that the user has posted. In that way, I will not need to keep going back to search for that particular user.

Also, many people has tapped onto Youtube to make money. Partners of Youtube are getting paid in accordance to the number of views that each video garners. Many business has also leech onto famous Youtubers to have product placement in their videos as the reach will go worldwide. Therefore I see Youtube as a very powerful tool for reach and the early adopters of Youtube has indeed had much money out of this system.

I personally feel that Youtube has a very very bright future ahead and that it will just get bigger in size and as well as popularity. As I always says, Youtube is like a blackhole, it just leads you on from one video to another and by the time you realised that you have been wasting too much time on it, its already too late for regret.

Some interesting figures and facts about Youtube! Check it out!!

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