Sunday, February 27, 2011

Learning the 'E' Way

Gone were the days where we had to search and consult books in order to answer our queries. Not only it is time wasting, the amount of information may be limited to a few books. the worst case would be that you will not be even able to find what u are looking for.
As the internet progresses into Web 2.0, learning also takes on a new level! All you need is just a computer, internet connection and answers will never go unanswered!
E-learning can take on many forms and basically you can learn about anything on the vast internet. There are many sites that offer online courses ranging from gettting a degree to learning of a new language. You will thus be able to learn new knowledge in the comfort of your house without the need to step out of it. Imagine the amount of time and manpower that is saved!
I remembered that during my Secondary school days, there was an outbreak of SARS and school was stopped because of it. Due to the fear of not being able to cover the syllabus, my SEcondary school started the usuage of E-learning whereby teachers will record lessons at home using webcam and is stream live onto our home computers. Homework was also submitted online. During my Junior College years, there is also an E-learning day held annually and students like us were very happy as we do not have to go to school. However, we have to attend 'lectures' online. Once, i even had an online consultation online through msn messenger!
Nowadays, e-learning can be done literally with a click of a better. Many platforms provide access to many databases or user-contributed contents. I will discuss a few of them:
1. Search engines
Take Google for example, you are able to type in whatever qnestion you want into the text box and by clicking 'Goggle Search', you can access one of the millions results which are searched according to the keywords that you have provided. you are then be able to access these links and use the most appropriate ones. The good thing about these search engines is that they always list the most accurate result as the first few ones. Google also has a feature in which it will lead you to the irst site when you click on ' I'm Feeling Lucky'.
2. Forums
There are many forums, each of different interests, that you can join. Some of the popular ones include Hardware Zone where you are able to find answers to questions related to IT. Members also provide testimonials, reviews on ranging items. Moreover, you can post questions and start threads on the forum and allow members to help you answer or to start an online discussion/ debate. Through this, you can learn more about topics that interest you.
3. You-Tube
I personally think this is a very good platform to answer your queries. Some people are more of a visual learners, therefore, they are able to search for videos with regards to their queries. For example, i want to buy a RC helicopter. I will then search for videos of product reviews of these hlicopters. Upon my satisfaction, I am also able to view how to set up the helicopter. on You-tube, there is also a 'How To' section where you can learn anything such as make-up to how to be a amateur DJ.
Despite the numerous amount of information that is readily available on the internet, we should be very cautious in the consumtion of this knowlege. As many are user-contributed, there may be false information that is unreliable and we should be very carefeul of misleading knowledge that may do harm.
In all, E-learning has inflitrated much of our lives and we are very dependent on the internet in search of answers. I'm definitely adopting this culture for a long time!
How can we not love the Internet?!

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